
HRShare is Harm Reductionist Media's online library for free informational material regarding harm reduction for a variety of topics. HRShare was introduced as "Redux Resource" during an ECHO presentation in April 2022, and has since gone on to develop public health educational materials used by organizations around the world.

HRShare en Español was created by partnering with Nancy Rocha, who translated HRShare's materials into Spanish in 2023. The Spanish library is still developing, but as resources are translated, they are added to the collection.

HRShare and Harm Reductionist Media is in hibernation as of early 2024.

Meet the Team

Anami Dass (she/her)


Anami is a Harm Reductionist from Albuquerque, New Mexico. After directing the New Mexico chapter of DanceSafe from 2018 to 2022, Dass worked for various organizations as a harm reduction specialist and HIV Test Counselor. She is currently the Director of Programming at New Mexico Harm Reduction Collaborative in the international district of Albuquerque.

She created HRShare in 2022, and manages and contributes to the resource library frequently. Her advocacy work and dedication to trauma informed social service provision is inspired by her lived experience of marginalization resulting from homelessness, substance use, and gender transition. In 2023, she established Harm Reductionist Media.

Nancy Rocha (she/her)

(Contractor) English - Spanish Translator

Nancy is a graduate from Highlands University, she is bilingual in both Spanish and English, and she graduated in May of 2023. Nancy is a licensed social worker. On her free time you can catch her boxing, reading, creating, and dancing

Nancy es una alumna de Highland University. Ella es bilingüe tanto en Español como en Inglés y se graduó en mayo de 2023. Ella es una trabajadora social autorizada. En su tiempo libre puedes verla boxeando, leyendo, creando y bailando.