This dictionary is under construction. Many terms have not been added yet.

Drugs (Substances & Classifications)





Stimulant; n. typically a substance that causes stimulation to a person's central nervous system. (also known as a CNS Stimulant where CNS stands for "Central Nervous System") 

Common Stimulants include: amphetamine, cocaine, methamphetamine, caffeine, nicotine.

Opioid; n. (technically; "opioid") a synthetic drug that mimics the effects of opium.

Opioid Drugs Include: Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone Fentanyl, Morphine, Codeine, Methadone, Tramadol, Buprenorphine.

Naloxone (brand name: "NARCAN"); 

Tools & Administration

Pipe; n. an implement used to smoke a substance.

Carb; n. the hole of a pipe that allows for oxygen to go be combined with the smoke or vapor, used to lower the temperature of the smoke/vapor and to "clear" the pipe or bong

Clearing a Pipe; v. the act of removing a plug from a carb to rapidly intake the smoke/vapor contained within the chamber of the implement.

Bore Hole; n. the end of a pipe where the person places there mouth 

Bubble; [see "Oil Burner]

Chamber; n. a part of some pipes where smoke/vapor accumulated while heating.

Bowl; n. a part of some pipes where a substance is heated directly and smoke is produced during combustion. 

Oil burner; n. a pipe used to smoke methamphetamine that is comprised of a hollow glass cylinder with a bore hole on one end and a spherical chamber on the other end. The chamber is also used as a bowl for indirectly heating the substance, and is sometimes called a "bubble" in reference to spherical shape. The chamber features a single carb hole on the top used as a carb and for loading the substance into the chamber. (Sometimes the entire pipe is called a "bubble" as well.)

Bowl; n. a part of a pipe where the substance is placed to be heated directly.

Piece; n. short for a "glass-piece", another word for a "pipe" made of glass.


Rose; n. a pipe used to smoke crack that is made of a hollow cylinder of glass wit an opening at either end. (aka "crack pipe") 

The term allegedly comes from a workaround of legal prohibitions of knowingly selling drug use implements (paraphernalia) where a person selling this pipe would insert a folded piece of colorful paper into the glass tube and refer to the paper as a decorative rose, and the tube as the packaging, thus not selling a glass tube, but a piece of paper packaged in a glass tube.

Rig; 1. n. an implement used to inhale vapor from an oil, typically containing THC (aka "dab rig")

2 n. (relating to injection) a syringe.

Syringe; n. a device used to inject a liquid into the human body comprised of the needle, plunger, and barrel. 

Sometimes called a "Eddy" or "rig"

Needle; n. the thin, metal part of a syringe that is inserted into the body so that the liquid contents in the barrel can be transferred into the body. (sometimes people say "needle" wen they mean syringe"

Barrell; n. the part of a syringe where liquid is held prior to injection.

Capacity; n. the amount of liquid that can be securely held in the barrel of a syringe.

Gauge; adj. Referring to the thickness of a syringe's needle with standard syringes being 28g and 31g needles being thinner.

"100's" or "ones" (Syringes); n. a syringe with a barrel capacity of 1mL.

"50's"(Syringes); n. a syringe with a barrel capacity of 0.5mL.

"30's"(Syringes); n. a syringe with a barrel capacity of 0.3mL.

"Bee-stinger" (Syringes); n. a syringe with either a 30g or 31g needle that is 5/16 of an inch in length. (Sometimes these syringes are called "Shorts")

Pejoratives, Slurs, and Derogatory Terms


1. n. (Derogatory) Someone who is considered to be addicted to drugs

NOTE: The concept of addiction itself is controversial, but most of the time when someone is using the term "Addict" they are discussing the person is such as way to discredit their perspective or autonomy. When describing someone who uses drugs in a destructive, unproductive, unhelpful, unhealthy, chaotic, or otherwise harmful manner, use the term "person who misuses drugs" instead. When describing someone who has substance use disorder ("SUD") say "person who is dependent on [drug]" or "person living with a dependency on [drug]". This is called "person first language" and it centers the humanity of the person being described rather than dehumanizing them.


NOTE: When describing someone who uses drugs, use the term "Person who uses drugs" or "PWUD", instead.

1. n. (Slur) person who uses heroin.
2. n. (Slur) Person who uses opioids.

NOTE: Some people who no longer use opioids regularly sometimes use the term as a means of distancing their former substance use from their current abstinence, and may refuse to recognize their use of the term as harmful to people who currently use opioids regularly. This term has not been reclaimed culturally amongst people who use opioids regularly as a term of endearment, but occasionally use it as a way to chastise themselves. This term should NEVER be used.


1. n. (Slur) person who uses methamphetamine (or rarely other stimulant drugs.)

NOTE: Due to reclamation efforts of people who use methamphetamine, the term can be used amongst friends who use methamphetamine as a term of endearment for one another. 

People who no longer use methamphetamine regularly should avoid using the term. People who have never used methamphetamine regularly should NEVER use the term.

Meth Head;

NOTE: This term should NEVER be used.


1. n. (Slur) person who uses freebase cocaine.

NOTE: This term should NEVER be used.

2. n. (Slur) person who is considered by others to be mentally unstable.

NOTE: This term should NEVER be used.


NOTE: This word is considered to be a term of endearment between people who regularly use any form of THC. 

People who no longer or have never used any form of THC should avoid using this term.

(Getting/staying) clean

NOTE: The use of the term "clean" when referencing sobriety or abstinence implies that people who use drugs are "dirty". When discussing drugs & their use(s), only use the term "clean" when meaning it literally, and only use the term "dirty" when something has dirt, dust, or other contaminants on it. Its best to use "contaminated" rather than "impure" or "dirty".


v. (Derogatory) esperiencing the condition of craving a certain substance.

Not in common use. Considered uncompassionate for the cravings 


v. (Derogatory) behaving in a manner that is considered to be overly reactive, unpredictable, and/or erratic as a result of no longer experiencing the effects of methamphetamine.


1. n. (Slur) a person who exchanges sexual favors for drugs, typically the term implies that the person only engages in this practice because of their unmanaged dependence on that drug.

This term should NEVER be used.

2. n. (Slur, misappropriated) a person who is addicted to sex to a strong degree.

This term should NEVER be used.